January 18

Jan. 17th Homework


Know-it-alls be ready with all of your research tomorrow.   Remember that you need to have learned lots about your topic so that you will be ready to post your next blog.  I can’t wait to learn some new things from all of you!

January 16

Inspiring Blogging Excitement


Buzzing with excitement.  Eager to check comments.  Requests to please publish my blog.  Excellent blog writing conventions on the first one turned in.  This is what I want for my 4th and 5th graders.  I want them to be inspired to share their thinking with others and to grow new ideas as they have meaningful conversations with others around the world.  We have just started blogging this year.  Each student has their own blog.  We have done some of the basic hello blogs, create an avatar and share a book review.  My next push is to create more excitement for publishing a blog.  It is a push to get some students to complete blogs and it is a BIG PUSH  to have excellent conventions so that the blog can actually be published.  I have done choose your own topic with some success.

I believe at this age that a quality blog is one that is meaningful, easy to read and you can tell that the writer had something to say.  The blogs that are the most fun to read are the blogs where you really get to know the writer and you can connect with what they are trying to say.  I want my students to enjoy sharing their thoughts and ideas.  Connecting and communicating with others is powerful!

What things are other teachers doing to inspire these young bloggers?




January 2

If you miss Auggie… then you should read Auggie & Me

This is a great read.  It is not a sequel, but a window in the point of view of Julian (the bully), Chris (Auggie’s best friend) and Charolotte (the young actress).

Julian is the leading bully in the first book Auggie.  In the Julian point of view the reader learns more about Julian and Julian’s Grandmere.  My favorite line from the Julian section is from page 84, where Julian’s Grandmere said “One mistake does not define you, Julian.  You must simply act better next time.”

Chris’s point of view sends a powerful message about friendship.  My favorite line from this section is on page 175- “Sometimes friendships are hard.”  Chris has some tough decisions to make with his friends and his parents.   Another powerful line is this section is, “Good friendships are worth a little extra effort”

Charolotte’s point of view is so much fun to read.  She connects with Xiemena and Summer, so readers get to learn more about their lives as well.  In this story we learn that everyone has a story to tell.  I really like how Charolotte uses a venn diagram to analyze her friendships- super cool.

Who is your favorite character in Auggie or Auggie & Me?  Why?

December 29

Write a book review! Tell everyone about your reading.

Hello Everyone!  I hope you are having a fabulous break.  I am starting my second book.  I love having so much time to read.  Coming soon is my review of Auggie and Me by R.J. Palacio (Thanks for the book Double K!) The following is some tips from Scholastic.com on how to write a book review.  I can’t wait to learn about what you have been reading.

Write a Review

Not sure what to say? Keep these tips in mind:

Be honest: Give your review personality and remember that kids want to know what you REALLY think.

Be detailed: Explain exactly what you liked or didn’t. Was it a story you couldn’t put down? Were the characters just like people you know? What made it special?

Be accurate: Be sure to get the title, author, and character names right, plus double-check your spelling and grammar. Remember our editing rules for publishing.

DON’T spoil it: Please don’t give away the ending! Tell readers enough about the plot to hook them, but keep them hanging so that they want to read the book.