April 15

Curiosity leads to Joy

    Have you ever seen a dog that likes to go fishing?  In the short animated movie Joy and Heron the character Joy is joyful. In the movie Joy and Heron Joy, the dog wanted to enjoy fishing with his owner. Heron interrupted the fun by trying to take worms.  In the end, they worked it out.

   At the beginning of the short film, Joy was joyful.  Joy jumped in the boat and barked happily at the dragonflies with his tail was wagging. Next, Joy smiled when Heron came to the edge of the boat.  Even though Joy had never met Heron, her first instinct was to smile.

   In the middle of the short film, Joy continued to be joyful. Joy finds happiness in even the most dire of times. There was a tug-o-war between Joy and Heron.  Joy was relieved when Heron did not win the worm.  The owner scared Heron with the oar.  Joy responded with a pleased grin because Heron went away.  Joy also seemed to like that her owner was looking out for her.

    At the end of the animated short Joy was still joyful.  Joy gave Heron a pile of worms and then watched happily as Heron fed her babies.  Heron brought fish to Joy and dumped lots of fish on his head. Joy was thrilled.  Then Joy looked at her owner and grinned. The owner petted Joy and showed his gratitude.

     Joy absolutely seemed excited with every little thing in life.  She is easily entertained and finds pure joy in simple things.  This is important because sometimes people take life too seriously and they should pause and see the joy in life.   Joy shows the powerful importance of noticing others and thinking of ways that you can add to the joy of their lives.

What is something you are joyful or curious about?  Why are you joyful or curious about that thing?


*This essay was from the PM class- AM class also wrote a great essay about Joy being curious.

Posted April 15, 2021 by jnovy22 in category Uncategorized

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